Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
8601 Gas fired £ 40,987,666
8602 Gas Monkey Garage £ 53,872,611
8603 Gases £ 412,292,275
8604 gasoline £ 6,012,032
8605 Gastronomy £ 53,166,205
8606 Gate67 £ 113,653,520
8607 Gatekeeper £ 301,172,209
8608 gates £ 9,950,328
8609 Gateway Timeout £ 57,628,718
8610 Gatorade £ 263,097,087
8611 Gatorade Blue £ 127,528,091
8612 gatorpazzInc £ 50,000
8613 Gatwick Aiurport £ 9,313,982
8614 gaugeinc £ 1,741,622
8615 Gaul £ 5,701,174
8616 Gautama £ 59,678,430
8617 Gav £ 196,593,074
8618 Gav1 £ 129,000,740
8619 Gav10 £ 131,667,387
8620 Gav11 £ 174,971,645
8621 Gav12 £ 156,274,268
8622 Gav13 £ 161,199,685
8623 Gav14 £ 111,210,504
8624 Gav15 £ 80,127,601
8625 Gav2 £ 135,966,860
8626 Gav3 £ 174,809,103
8627 Gav4 £ 137,681,021
8628 Gav5 £ 113,488,064
8629 Gav6 £ 76,312,661
8630 Gav7 £ 157,287,574
8631 Gav8 £ 174,880,204
8632 Gav9 £ 112,382,258
8633 gavania £ 111,461,257
8634 Gaviscon £ 96,706,332
8635 gavnia £ 267,938,921
8636 Gavrilo Princip £ 1,005,011,890
8637 Gavster £ 4,536,423
8638 Gavwar Inc £ 1,180,734
8639 Gavwar Ink £ 4,434,055
8640 Gawd £ 50,000
8641 Gay Bears £ 372,664
8642 Gay Tony £ 161,166,093
8643 Gaylord Inc £ 4,169,852
8644 Gaystone Brookes £ 5,506,214
8645 Gazebocorp £ -48,630,376
8646 Gazed £ 50,000
8647 Gazprom £ 2,206,590,463
8648 Gazzionaires £ 804,966
8649 gbaypackers £ 4,164,216
8650 GBMC £ 4,423,248
8651 GCHQ £ 549,093,646
8652 GCThree £ 74,311,122
8653 gdgfdrgdf £ 41,629
8654 gdking £ -4,849,063
8655 Gears £ 1,831,259,516
8656 Gears Of War £ 38,584,329
8657 Geaux Tigers £ 6,324,542
8658 Gedankenlautwerden £ 37,702,772
8659 Gee Money Records £ 50,000
8660 Geebomb Glory £ 1,300,909
8661 Geek £ 409,299,647
8662 Geel Sokkies £ 8,074,603
8663 Geer £ 338,191,075
8664 Geese £ 14,037,445,545
8665 geezer £ 1,088,202,355
8666 Geezer Inc £ 518,768,003
8667 Geezerz £ 6,762,002
8668 Gelato £ 168,868,458
8669 Gembroliz £ 27,820,805
8670 Gemini Corp £ -140,222
8671 Gemstone £ 5,504,736
8672 Gemz £ 10,666,462
8673 Genco Oil LLC £ 120,676,660
8674 Genco Olive Oil £ 5,091,124
8675 Gendarmerie £ 288,194,014
8676 genderbenders £ 169,627
8677 Gendosoft £ 4,836
8678 General Affairs £ 105,412,370
8679 General Electric £ 1,515,592,900
8680 General Motors £ 4,853,890
8681 General Qassem Suleimani £ 49,056,036
8682 General Relativity £ 596,912,870
8683 General Zod £ 27,232,014
8684 Generation G £ 89,420,136
8685 Generator £ 58,154,734
8686 Generic Brand £ 105,393,698
8687 GenericBrand £ 27,253,061
8688 £ 50,000
8689 Generic_Brand £ 84,597,265
8690 Genesis £ 530,692,619
8691 Genesis Block £ 850,684,832
8692 Genesis Inc. £ 9,968,399
8693 Genesis Incorporate £ 66,624,792
8694 GENESISlee £ 537,408
8695 GENetic TESTING £ 125,114,151
8696 Geneva £ 864,811,789
8697 Genghis £ 31,755,549
8698 Genghis Khan £ 217,417,344
8699 Gengis £ 2,302,639
8700 Genie Solutions £ 5,501,622