Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
9001 Garlic Bread £ 62,869,463
9002 Garlic Chilli £ 100,114,519
9003 Garnswllt £ 9,842,646
9004 Garrett.CO £ 50,000
9005 Garth £ 26,253,444
9006 Garth Industries 14 £ 3,080,287
9007 Garth Industries1 £ 31,391,506
9008 Garth Industries10 £ 5,695,356
9009 Garth Industries11 £ 5,092,257
9010 Garth Industries12 £ 18,647,895
9011 Garth Industries13 £ 3,514,274
9012 Garth Industries15 £ 406,429
9013 Garth Industries2 £ 22,877,268
9014 Garth Industries3 £ 38,147,318
9015 Garth industries4 £ 36,032,769
9016 Garth Industries5 £ 56,879,662
9017 Garth Industries6 £ 58,753,039
9018 Garth Industries7 £ 34,905,076
9019 Garth Industries8 £ 35,965,357
9020 Garth industries9 £ 20,050,924
9021 Garth World Wide £ 73,697,909
9022 Gary Seto Inc £ 359,362,122
9023 Gary.Seto Inc. £ 762,642,730
9024 Gas £ 76,668,987
9025 GAS Enterprises Inc. £ 5,350,979
9026 Gas fired £ 40,987,666
9027 Gas Monkey Garage £ 53,872,611
9028 Gases £ 412,292,275
9029 gasoline £ 6,012,032
9030 Gastech £ 150,923
9031 Gastronomy £ 53,166,205
9032 Gate67 £ 113,653,520
9033 Gatekeeper £ 301,172,209
9034 gates £ 9,950,328
9035 Gateway Timeout £ 133,628,717
9036 Gatorade £ 263,097,087
9037 Gatorade Blue £ 127,528,091
9038 gatorpazzInc £ 50,000
9039 Gatwick Aiurport £ 9,313,982
9040 gaugeinc £ 1,741,622
9041 Gaul £ 5,701,174
9042 Gautam Adani Pte Ltd £ 195,041,945
9043 Gautama £ 59,678,430
9044 Gav £ 196,593,074
9045 Gav1 £ 129,000,740
9046 Gav10 £ 131,667,387
9047 Gav11 £ 174,971,645
9048 Gav12 £ 156,274,268
9049 Gav13 £ 161,199,685
9050 Gav14 £ 111,210,504
9051 Gav15 £ 80,127,601
9052 Gav2 £ 135,966,860
9053 Gav3 £ 174,809,103
9054 Gav4 £ 137,681,021
9055 Gav5 £ 113,488,064
9056 Gav6 £ 81,770,023
9057 Gav7 £ 157,287,574
9058 Gav8 £ 174,880,204
9059 Gav9 £ 112,382,258
9060 gavania £ 111,461,257
9061 Gaviscon £ 96,706,332
9062 gavnia £ 267,938,921
9063 Gavrilo Princip £ 1,005,011,890
9064 Gavster £ 4,536,423
9065 Gavwar Inc £ 1,180,734
9066 Gavwar Ink £ 4,434,055
9067 Gawd £ 50,000
9068 Gay Bears £ 372,664
9069 Gay Tony £ 161,166,093
9070 Gaylord Inc £ 4,169,852
9071 Gaystone Brookes £ 14,411,186
9072 Gazebocorp £ -48,630,376
9073 Gazed £ 50,000
9074 Gazprom £ 2,206,590,463
9075 Gazzionaires £ 804,966
9076 gbaypackers £ 4,164,216
9077 GBMC £ 4,423,248
9078 GCHQ £ 595,663,691
9079 GCThree £ 74,311,122
9080 gdgfdrgdf £ 41,629
9081 GDK £ 5,664,034
9082 gdking £ -4,849,063
9083 Gears £ 1,831,259,516
9084 Gears Of War £ 38,584,329
9085 Geaux Tigers £ 6,324,542
9086 Gedankenlautwerden £ 37,702,772
9087 Gee Money Records £ 50,000
9088 Geebomb Glory £ 1,300,909
9089 Geek £ 409,299,647
9090 Geel Sokkies £ 8,074,603
9091 Geer £ 338,191,075
9092 Geese £ 14,037,445,545
9093 geezer £ 1,088,202,355
9094 Geezer Inc £ 518,768,003
9095 Geezerz £ 6,762,002
9096 Gelato £ 168,868,458
9097 Gembroliz £ 27,820,805
9098 Gemini Corp £ -140,222
9099 Gemstone £ 5,504,736
9100 Gemz £ 10,666,462