Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
9201 Green Salad £ 715,219,100
9202 Green Smoke £ 5,034,828
9203 Greenfields £ 53,008,618
9204 Greengrass Inc £ 4,334,464
9205 Greengrass ltd £ 65,595,423
9206 Greenhill £ 82,571,577
9207 Greenland £ 10,480,576
9208 Greenman Industries £ 250,452,590
9209 Greens plc £ 291,073,291
9210 Greens plc 2 £ 148,549,929
9211 Greens plc 3 £ 10,004,188
9212 Greens plc 4 £ 140,014,662
9213 Greens plc 5 £ 103,485,701
9214 Greens plc 6 £ 117,865,895
9215 Greenside Buildscapes £ 5,348,191
9216 greenwood £ 9,975,191
9217 Greeves £ 203,497,304
9218 Greg Michaels £ 212,805,190
9219 Greg Michaelss £ 360,582,676
9220 Greggs £ 44,125,767
9221 GremIins £ 230,402,951
9222 Gremlins £ -966,204
9223 gremlinsinc £ 522,433
9224 Greta Thunberg £ 302,886,569
9225 Greville £ 12
9226 Grevious Bodily Harm £ 1,103,530,281
9227 Grey £ 4,748,753
9228 Grey and Gray Estates £ 4,372,360
9229 Grey Forge £ 4,790,893
9230 Grey Goose £ 447,844,035
9231 Grey Hound Racing £ 14,405,874
9232 Grey Train £ 1,366,854
9233 Greyfriars Bobby £ 1,204,859,524
9234 greyskull £ 3,016
9235 Greywater Watch £ 41,709,047
9236 Griefer £ 910,259,210
9237 Grieg £ 490,821,091
9238 Grievance £ 15,173,225
9239 griffin £ 8,703,351
9240 Griffin Inc £ 55,965,986
9241 Griffin ltd £ 3,856,745
9242 griffon £ 12,177,350
9243 Grifols £ 175,025,088
9244 Grifters £ 39,978,494
9245 Grifting Pinky £ 20,058,694
9246 Grigg Enterprises £ -129,317
9247 Grime £ 41,259,038
9248 Grimm £ 2,468,726
9249 Grinches Little Helper £ 197,745,511
9250 Grind £ 2,049,215,582
9251 GRITS £ 19,299,374
9252 GRITS2 £ 15,147,310
9253 Grool £ 39,211,603
9254 Ground Forces £ 5,507,470
9255 Grounds £ 898,474
9256 Groundworks Ltd £ 4,535,312
9257 groundzero £ -113,401
9258 Grove Inc £ 14,269,997
9259 grovefarm £ 5,503,027
9260 Groverbear Enterprises £ 49,286
9261 Grovy Industries £ 6,797,591
9262 Grow a dope £ 315,571,476
9263 Grower Productions Inc. £ 1,974,528
9264 Growth Inc £ 5,000,595
9265 Growth Ventures £ 26,160,242
9266 GRT £ 2,684,521
9267 GRT LTD £ 2,831,761
9268 grty £ 50,000
9269 GRU £ 137,784,318
9270 Grubucks £ 117,502,290
9271 Grubux £ 55,485,751
9272 Grumpy Ass Co £ 717,446
9273 Grumpy Trump £ 15,582,465
9274 Grunge Ltd £ -6,543,550
9275 Grunt and Co £ 74,533
9276 Gryffindor £ 594,523,599
9277 GSB Back £ 211,834
9278 GSB Inc £ 45,925,540
9279 gsdsa2we £ -3,362,593
9280 GT85 £ 32,393,770
9281 GTA - Vice City £ 1,199,990,305
9282 GTI £ 16,418,004
9283 GTO £ 804,730,106
9284 Guard Goose £ 142,818,792
9285 Guardian £ 90,117,497
9286 Guardian Force £ 50,305,682
9287 Gucci £ 50,000
9288 Gudenkauf £ 1,292,470,006
9289 Guerilla Radio £ 102,661,811
9290 Guerilla Warfare £ 180,494,391
9291 Guerillas £ 20,922
9292 Guess Who £ 9,261,248
9293 Guesty construction £ 1,475
9294 GuggaChuga £ 86,500,748
9295 guillotine £ 6,304,394
9296 Guilt £ 4,796,081
9297 Guilt Supply Co £ 268,604,112
9298 GUILTY £ 2,522,742,217
9299 Guinea Pigs £ 96,065,686
9300 Guinness £ 211,536,451