The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.
Companies List | |||
Pos. | Company Name | Awards | Total Worth |
9601 | Grateful Bus Goers ULU | £ 17,325,439 | |
9602 | Gratitude | £ 207,604,959 | |
9603 | gravaity | £ 62,202,056 | |
9604 | Grave Shadow | £ 55,325,177 | |
9605 | Graveyard | £ 4,750,425 | |
9606 | Graveyard Shift | £ 49,613,475 | |
9607 | Gravity | £ 199,454,384 | |
9608 | gravy | £ 184,491,602 | |
9609 | Gray | £ 124,890,701 | |
9610 | Grayman | £ 77,344,013 | |
9611 | GraySkull | £ 447,592,115 | |
9612 | Greace Monkeys | £ 169,028,719 | |
9613 | Greasers Only | £ 250,033,496 | |
9614 | Great Asses Incorporated | £ 58,166,411 | |
9615 | Great Chaos | £ 91,716,881 | |
9616 | Great Confusion | £ 96,271,738 | |
9617 | Great Deception | £ 74,440,347 | |
9618 | Great Difficulty | £ 78,612,727 | |
9619 | GREAT EastErn | £ 3,199 | |
9620 | Great Estates | £ 5,504,095 | |
9621 | Great Injustice | £ 200,347 | |
9622 | great intensity | £ 404,844,617 | |
9623 | Great Minds | £ 271,724,320 | |
9624 | Great Patience | £ 1,461,479,343 | |
9625 | Great possibilities | £ 166,876,320 | |
9626 | Great Shark | £ 6,983,786 | |
9627 | Great Things | £ 1,824,682 | |
9628 | GreatBow | £ 46,872 | |
9629 | Greater Mancunia | £ 346,507,407 | |
9630 | Greater Things | £ 54,678,091 | |
9631 | Greatest Wines | £ 66,538,232 | |
9632 | GreatHarambe | £ 19,339,410 | |
9633 | Greatness | £ 3,598,024,598 | |
9634 | GreatPower | £ 68,140,226 | |
9635 | Great_Lakes inc. | £ 5,283,238 | |
9636 | Greece | £ 8,752,289 | |
9637 | Greed | £ 74,557,663 | |
9638 | Greedmart | £ 453,556 | |
9639 | Greedy Investment Bank | £ 51,505,153 | |
9640 | Greek Interpreter | £ 172,445,947 | |
9641 | Green | £ 241,833,168 | |
9642 | Green Acres Inc | £ 151,537,161 | |
9643 | Green Aftershock | £ 102,096,398 | |
9644 | Green army Pafc | £ -1,096,514 | |
9645 | Green Bay | £ 55,709,748 | |
9646 | Green Bay Packers | £ 53,390,037 | |
9647 | Green Bottle | £ 2,541,209 | |
9648 | Green Bottle II | £ 5,394,076 | |
9649 | Green Day | £ 4,920,069 | |
9650 | Green Eggs and Ham | £ 37,513,701 | |
9651 | Green Gables | £ 683,576,426 | |
9652 | Green Giant | £ 11,566,375 | |
9653 | Green Holdings | £ 2,481,233 | |
9654 | Green Jackets Inc. | £ 9,618,339 | |
9655 | Green Jackets Inc. 2 | £ 1,680,055 | |
9656 | Green Money | £ 242,776 | |
9657 | Green Party | £ 56,201,370 | |
9658 | Green Salad | £ 715,219,100 | |
9659 | Green Smoke | £ 5,034,828 | |
9660 | Greenfields | £ 53,008,618 | |
9661 | Greengrass Inc | £ 4,334,464 | |
9662 | Greengrass ltd | £ 65,595,423 | |
9663 | Greenhill | £ 82,571,577 | |
9664 | Greenland | £ 10,480,576 | |
9665 | Greenman Industries | £ 247,348,974 | |
9666 | Greens plc | £ 291,073,291 | |
9667 | Greens plc 2 | £ 148,549,929 | |
9668 | Greens plc 3 | £ 10,004,188 | |
9669 | Greens plc 4 | £ 140,014,662 | |
9670 | Greens plc 5 | £ 103,485,701 | |
9671 | Greens plc 6 | £ 117,865,895 | |
9672 | Greenside Buildscapes | £ 5,348,191 | |
9673 | GreenVerse | £ 53,486,713 | |
9674 | greenwood | £ 9,975,191 | |
9675 | Greenwood Tree Services | £ 50,000 | |
9676 | Greeves | £ 203,497,304 | |
9677 | Greg Michaels | £ 212,805,190 | |
9678 | Greg Michaelss | £ 360,582,676 | |
9679 | Greggs | £ 14,407,948 | |
9680 | GremIins | £ 230,402,951 | |
9681 | Gremlins | £ -966,204 | |
9682 | gremlinsinc | £ 522,433 | |
9683 | Greta Thunberg | £ 317,076,209 | |
9684 | Greville | £ 12 | |
9685 | Grevious Bodily Harm | £ 1,042,976,547 | |
9686 | Grey | £ 4,748,753 | |
9687 | Grey and Gray Estates | £ 4,372,360 | |
9688 | Grey Forge | £ 4,790,893 | |
9689 | Grey Goose | £ 558,449,163 | |
9690 | Grey Hound Racing | £ 14,405,874 | |
9691 | Grey Train | £ 1,366,854 | |
9692 | Greyfriars Bobby | £ 1,204,859,524 | |
9693 | Greyfriars kirkyard | £ 3,820,168,531 | |
9694 | greyskull | £ 3,016 | |
9695 | Greywater Watch | £ 41,709,047 | |
9696 | Griefer | £ 910,259,210 | |
9697 | Grieg | £ 490,821,091 | |
9698 | Grievance | £ 15,173,225 | |
9699 | griffin | £ 8,703,351 | |
9700 | Griffin Inc | £ 55,965,986 |