Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
9801 Hard Boiled Hammers £ 2,230,982
9802 hard Endeavors £ 268,231,063
9803 Hard Knocks £ 2,475,899,295
9804 Hard Labour £ 171,489,536
9805 Hard Times £ 5,356,547
9806 Hard Truths £ 70,450,027
9807 Hard Work £ 274,691,244
9808 Hard Work and Dedication £ 145,668,241
9809 Hardaker Heating Ltd £ 43,875,315
9810 Hardcore £ 10,961,025
9811 Hardcore PLC £ 12,021,769
9812 Hardcore_Queer £ 15,796,352
9813 Hardiness £ 216,500
9814 Harding Incorporated £ 44,962,838
9815 Hardings £ 95,128,051
9816 HardPinkFloppyThings £ 1,393,410
9817 Hardware Industries £ 5,503,307
9818 Hardwood Floor £ 460,129,067
9819 Hare Krishna £ 2,690,317
9820 Haribo £ 117,053,177
9821 Harkonnen £ 10,961,244
9822 Harlech £ 2,041,983,770
9823 Harlequin Inc £ 6,708,767
9824 Harmonicas £ 191,507,891
9825 Harmonics £ 63,832,389
9826 Harrier Inc. £ 1,432,672
9827 Harriott £ 7,223,486
9828 Harrisons £ 28,508,315
9829 Harry Beck £ 4,200,965
9830 Harry Houdini £ 228,042,792
9831 Harvester £ 7,961,023
9832 Harvey Inc £ 151,046,223
9833 Harvey Mong £ 43,277
9834 Harvey Price £ 1,693,663,410
9835 HarvWorld £ 6,291,763
9836 Harwich £ 228,763,282
9837 Harwood Arms £ 117,139,460
9838 Has a Knob on the End £ 445,001,764
9839 Has It £ 515,890,459
9840 Hashbrowns £ 176,972,635
9841 HashTag £ 24,644,012
9842 HasLeftTheGame £ 61,266,682
9843 Hassle £ 4,132,442
9844 Hastigrow £ 233,613,786
9845 Hastings £ 45,282,848
9846 Hastings plc £ 5,390,582
9847 Hat makers £ 8,169,165
9848 Hatchet Enterprises £ 13,918,454
9849 Hatchet Harry Lonsdale £ 1,173,792,978
9850 Hate co £ 16,025,011
9851 Hate Corp £ 16,996,557
9852 Hater £ 4,388,763
9853 hater co. £ 84,610,350
9854 HATRED £ 185,145,569
9855 Hats £ 7,465,651
9856 hauling £ 121,553,537
9857 Havana Dark £ 6,805,019
9858 Havanna £ 15,121,439
9859 have a great day £ 2,734,413,568
9860 Have Mercy On My Soul £ 119,214,636
9861 have no clue £ 25,705,829
9862 Have You Seen My Bear £ 50,047,200
9863 having a beer on sundays £ 180,085,606
9864 Having Fun £ 82,861,164
9865 Having to Think £ 82,220,672
9866 havning two £ 4,341,555,386
9867 Havoc £ 137,020,900
9868 Havok £ 200,000
9869 Haw Par Villa £ 110,965,188
9870 Hawaiian Pizza £ 246,934,813
9871 Hawk £ 392,864,587
9872 Hawk Wing £ 1,459,815,030
9873 Hawksmoor Seven Dials £ 311,380,807
9874 Haxx Corp £ -3,440,255
9875 Haxx inc £ -14,065,440
9876 Haxx Industries £ 1,126,833
9877 Haxx ltd £ -3,784,724
9878 Hay £ 745,519,358
9879 Hayao Miyazaki £ 369,804,992
9880 Hayfever Season £ 8,732,895
9881 Haynes Bros. £ 65,751,489
9882 Haywards £ 536,300
9883 Hazard County £ 9,161,049
9884 Hazel £ 451,382,970
9885 Hazen LTD £ 15,882,084
9886 Hazen PLC £ 16,026,634
9887 Hazencom £ 4,912,904
9888 Hazencorps £ 10,436,407
9889 Hazendyne £ 4,697,076
9890 Hazenlever £ 15,517,254
9891 Hazenron £ 17,351,980
9892 Hazzard £ 6,234,311
9893 Hazzard County £ 227,925,539
9894 HB Empire £ 5,504,990
9895 HB Fash £ 48,989,753
9896 HBLabs £ 6,462,040
9897 hblgbhbh £ 1,456,581
9898 HBO £ 671,867
9899 He Did The Thing £ 3,926,217
9900 He1ghts £ 50,887,109