Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
15601 Passing through £ 131,965,753
15602 passion £ 85,052,264
15603 Passive Attacker Inc £ 4,469,915
15604 Password £ 74,269,347
15605 Past £ 6,506,457
15606 Past Glories £ 1,176,059,997
15607 Past Transgressions £ 216,162,367
15608 Pasta £ 5,481,073
15609 pasta productions £ 5,098,374
15610 Pastry £ 504,666,033
15611 Pat £ 58,421,320
15612 Path-E-Tech £ 49,080,327
15613 Pathfinder Inc. £ 4,502,117
15614 Pathologists £ 505,176,252
15615 Patience £ 27,041,230
15616 Patriarchy £ 500,101,619
15617 pats burgers £ 7,280,569
15618 Pats Motors £ 25,910,729
15619 Pattys Pub £ 78,918,080
15620 Pat_a_cnnt £ -16,000
15621 Pat_a_cnut £ 221,460
15622 Paul and Shark £ 4,870,747,276
15623 Paul Poole £ 3,613,657
15624 Paul Swerydas Lies £ 5,651,611
15625 Pavlov £ 1,071,839,136
15626 paw £ 1,924,530
15627 paw enterprises £ 6,452,061
15628 Pawlbags Bag Emporium £ 8,322,134
15629 Pawn Stars £ 1,093,423,680
15630 Pawn Studio £ 2,003,505
15631 Pawn Studio2 £ -103,866
15632 Pawns £ 10,439,866
15633 Pax Inc. £ 50,000
15634 Paxman £ 178,692,508
15635 Pay £ 8,772,707,671
15636 Payback £ 14,643,245
15637 Payback plc £ 147,567,473
15638 Payback. £ 566,187,500
15639 PayBackTime Corperation £ 5,504,074
15640 Paymentshield £ 11,610,787
15641 Paymon £ 6,817,631
15642 Payne Industries £ -1,613,863
15643 Payout £ 132,938,949
15644 Pazor £ 45,627,845
15645 Pb and Jelley £ -503,725
15646 PBJ £ 84,017,979
15647 PBK £ 48,997,422
15648 PBR £ 182,157,267
15649 PBR inc. £ 8,071,374
15650 PBR ltd. £ 5,507,371
15651 PCB 24 £ 79,181,499
15652 PCM £ 307,328,066
15653 PCT Global £ -1,231,658
15654 PD Repair Co £ 4,991,938
15655 PDRAW LTD £ 50,000
15656 Peace £ 26,899,287
15657 Peace And Love £ 4,355,898
15658 Peace BroS Inc £ 8,930,944
15659 Peace maker £ 67,283,656
15660 Peace On Earth £ 1,181,342,474
15661 peace or the pie. £ 254,140,326
15662 Peace Through Strength £ 8,015,539
15663 Peaceful £ -11,818,826
15664 PeaceMan £ 15,984,695
15665 Peaches on the Beaches £ 5,508,061
15666 Peak Industries £ 7,135,780
15667 Peakaboo £ 67,794,583
15668 Peanut £ -1,331,743
15669 Peanut Co. £ 70,124,176
15670 Peanut Inc. £ 42,256,059
15671 Peanut Ltd. £ 69,944,674
15672 Peanut Srl. £ 62,190,466
15673 Peanutbutter and Jam £ 6,870,150
15674 peanutco £ 143,566,137
15675 peanuts £ 150,532,376
15676 Pearce £ 111,631,474
15677 Pearceshire £ 525,176,314
15678 Pearl Jam £ 64,738,659
15679 Pearls £ 1,846,809,300
15680 Pearly Gates £ 5,506,202
15681 Pearly Spencer £ 24,792,595
15682 Pearson Specter £ 3,588,547
15683 peas £ 93,709,344
15684 Peck £ 50,000
15685 Pedantic bomber £ 35,979,420
15686 Pedicabo me si audes £ 252,419,234
15687 Pedro I de Brasil £ 5,772,738
15688 Pee £ 340,289,481
15689 PeekABoo £ 17,195,377
15690 PeeKing Duck £ 5,691,005
15691 Peep £ 4,529,628
15692 Pegaso Group £ 809,098
15693 Pegaso Industries £ 1,778,678
15694 Pelevin £ 130,104,990
15695 pelham 123 £ 1,877,082
15696 Pelican Cases £ 249,642,464
15697 Pelicans £ 55,046,719
15698 pemburu itik £ 5,891,177
15699 Pen15 £ 105,840,269
15700 PenciI Shavings £ 1,983,389,845