Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
16001 OverThor £ 5,507,873
16002 Overwatch £ 215,454,246
16003 Overwatch LTD £ 57,470,387
16004 Overwhelming £ 60,498,024
16005 Ovine Flu £ 61,245,519
16006 ow3n pte ltd £ 3,307,504
16007 Owens Enterprise £ 1,346,837,431
16008 Owl £ 237,452,023
16009 Owl Faux £ 383,668
16010 Owls £ 425,596,680
16011 owned £ 5,486,100
16012 Owned2EU £ -76,039,189
16013 Owned3EU £ 2,813,019
16014 Owned4EU £ -11,748,456
16015 Owner £ 6,354,110
16016 Ownership £ 111,498,048
16017 oWoTYRANNYoWo £ 138,362,883
16018 OWWWW £ 5,508,284
16019 Oxcide £ 12,818,579
16020 Oxford £ 205,487,202
16021 OXO £ 627,787,564
16022 Oxtail Soup £ 64,738,096
16023 Oxy Clean £ 71,691,928
16024 OXYCODONE £ 2,227,745,588
16025 Oxygen £ 215,261,376
16026 Oxymoronisms £ 1,395,076,946
16027 Oy The Billy Bumbler £ 5,664,614
16028 Oz and Goodwin £ 4,583,012
16029 Oz Racing £ 5,502,594
16030 Oz. £ 1,054,415,915
16031 Ozymandias £ 29,843
16032 Ozz £ 89,779,013
16033 P a p a r a z z i £ 178,441,792
16034 P.A.F.C £ 4,925,729
16035 P1GLTD £ 19,292
16036 paal met bijen £ 13,025,042
16037 Pabst £ 52,512,217
16038 Pac-Mans Wrath £ 37,103,581
16039 PACE £ 70,619,715
16040 Pace and Power £ 1,098,243,810
16041 PACE10000 £ -134,527
16042 Pacha £ 639,799,243
16043 Pacific Courier £ 995,773,815
16044 Pacific Injustice £ 88,830,701
16045 PacIndustries £ 10,669
16046 Package £ 5,501,542
16047 Packages £ -50,432
16048 PACKERS £ 50,000
16049 Packwood holdings £ 35,593,693
16050 Packworld £ 81,219,935
16051 Pad £ 9,195,398
16052 Pad Enterprises £ 7,175,125
16053 padded plastic £ 35,130,467
16054 Paddle Steamer Line Ltd £ 137,953,676
16055 Paddys £ 2,828,031
16056 pafc £ -7,325,325
16057 Paganini £ 640,281,064
16058 PAI KIA LIMITED £ 185,672
16059 Pai pi place £ 4,193,074
16060 Pain £ 200,174,223
16061 Pain And Doom £ 236,830
16062 Pain CO £ 220,787,552
16063 Pain Enterprises £ 236,180,060
16064 Pain Inc £ 4,888,556
16065 Pain Industries £ 1,923,750,065
16066 Pain Inflicted £ 109,496,489
16067 Pain Relief £ 51,306,375
16068 Painful £ 36,311,074
16069 Painkiller £ 526,456,589
16070 paint £ 510,141,223
16071 PAINT IT BLACK £ -3,788,389
16072 Paint Remover £ 247,049,009
16073 paintdry £ 63,816,216
16074 Painted Heron £ 343,820,230
16075 Painting £ 59,050,756
16076 Painting Co £ 53,750,742
16077 Paintings £ 55,548,396
16078 paintworks £ 3,298,480,949
16079 PajamaPants £ 5,538,768
16080 PAJAMAS £ 192,086,445
16081 Pak Enterprise £ 3,261,865
16082 pakiland £ 13,771,482
16083 pakiland2 £ 5,253,582
16084 pakiland3 £ 4,729,555
16085 pakiland4 £ 9,454,686
16086 pakiland5 £ 4,877,457
16087 Palace Of Automobiles £ 79,045,208
16088 Pale £ 955,953,968
16089 Pale Rider of Death £ 756,304,612
16090 palestine £ 44,243,125
16091 Paleto £ 3,938,652
16092 Palindromisms £ 1,440,504,133
16093 Pallet Town £ 1,288,303,619
16094 Palm £ 176,574,971
16095 Palmall £ 199,843,897
16096 Palmer Technologies £ 106,225,881
16097 Palms £ 20,490,447
16098 Palomar £ 369,854,940
16099 Pam £ 5,127,496
16100 Pamparius £ 90,626,425