Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
16201 Perseus £ 343,537,305
16202 Perseverance £ 80,142,955
16203 persia £ 6,836,590
16204 Persia. £ 55,731,868
16205 Persian Gulf £ 293,769,752
16206 Persistence £ 52,770,555
16207 PERSON £ 362,495,981
16208 Person You aAre £ 166,608,770
16209 Persona Non Grata £ 49,733,320
16210 Personal Data £ 610,867,841
16211 Personal Injury Lawyer £ 555,239,842
16212 Personal Loss £ 270,502,637
16213 personality £ 24,345,668
16214 Perspective £ 4,173,123
16215 Perspective 1 £ -2,458,446
16216 Perspective 4 £ 50,000
16217 Persuader £ 107,605,412
16218 Persuasion £ 359,009,372
16219 persuasive arguments £ 11,316,590
16220 Pertinacity £ 200,369,768
16221 Pervy Sage Inc £ 4,553,078
16222 Pest Control £ 1,204,442
16223 Pest Control I £ 7,590,230
16224 Pest Control Services £ 27,285,643
16225 Pesticide £ 287,309,086
16226 pete n dud £ 1,732,309,432
16227 Peter Crouch £ 338,809,316
16228 Peter kay £ 172,265,766
16229 peter pan £ 235,353,445
16230 Peter Pan Ltd £ 2,573,455
16231 Peter Pigeon £ 25,827,171
16232 PeterParker £ 72,881,683
16233 Petes Scratchnsniff £ 9,575,842
16234 Petiquan Management £ 2,347,243
16235 Petoria £ 87,657,301
16236 Petrels £ 3,530,772
16237 Petroglyphs £ 114,037,706
16238 Petrol £ 107,089,744
16239 Petrol Inc £ 25,545,726
16240 Petroleum £ 51,172,177
16241 Petroleum Corp £ 1,828,768
16242 Petroleum Industry £ -530,117
16243 Petroleum Jelly £ 32,845,793
16244 PETROLEUM LIMITED £ 44,439
16245 Petty £ 5,507,243
16246 Petunia £ 56,409,860
16247 pewpew £ 10,536,973
16248 Pezwahdios £ 3,381,184
16249 Pezwaldos £ 20,818,136
16250 Pezzingtons £ 10,094,713
16251 Pezzwaldos £ 17,288,049
16252 Pffaff £ 5,506,974
16253 PFM £ 234,837,438
16254 PG Tips £ 58,030,727
16255 PGM Ltd £ 5,502,430
16256 Phallic Holdings £ 7,150,884
16257 Phallus Face £ 61,832,910
16258 Phantom £ 9,432,224
16259 Phantom Inc. £ 227,050,692
16260 Phantom Vortex £ 50,456,322
16261 PHANTYM INC £ 82,211,332
16262 PHANTYM INC. £ 679,915,035
16263 Pharma £ 2,576,905
16264 Phatom £ 10,955,591
16265 Pheberdoo £ 136,201,450
16266 Pheonix £ 6,343,246
16267 Pheonix1 £ 5,505,605
16268 Phews Crews £ 2,859,600
16269 Phil £ 111,167
16270 Phil Collins Toupee £ 151,863,332
16271 Phil Corp £ 1,580,118
16272 Phil Corp1 £ 358,654
16273 Phil Corp2 £ 414,007
16274 Phil Dunphy £ 258,546,165
16275 Philadelphia £ 236,649,600
16276 Philco Incorporated £ 59,544,967
16277 Phileas Fogg £ 341,481,243
16278 Philley INC £ 54,340,393
16279 Phillips £ 43,420,884
16280 Phillips Inc £ 432,023,227
16281 philly £ 64,831,377
16282 Philosophical Theory £ 102,224,279
16283 Philosophy £ 340,215,648
16284 Phire Industries £ 4,383,319
16285 Phoenix £ 43,019,818
16286 Phoenix Holdings £ 206,352
16287 Phoenix inc £ 4,440,270
16288 Phoenix Palace £ 362,786,711
16289 Phoenix. £ 51,777,221
16290 Phoenix.Co £ 17,346,245
16291 Phone £ 417,649,314
16292 phone is ringing £ -5,834,560
16293 phonetic £ 510,285
16294 Phoniex £ 38,518,944
16295 Photobomb £ 240,128,602
16296 Photographs £ 294,064,143
16297 Photosynthesis £ 4,520,052
16298 Phrase £ 1,384,508,688
16299 Phreak £ 8,629,805
16300 Physics £ 980,827,571