Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
16201 Poston Enterprise £ -2,399,139
16202 poston enterprises £ 39,941
16203 PotatoBlaster Corp £ 10,989,301
16204 Potatoes £ 762,555,879
16205 Potency £ 379,336,588
16206 Potential £ 479,500,012
16207 Potholes £ 286,255,616
16208 pottery barn £ 20,109,219
16209 Potto Lotto £ 32,274,548
16210 Pound Land £ 125,868,753
16211 Pounds Club £ 4,929,767
16212 POUNDS on POUNDS £ 128,506,020
16213 poverty £ 5,506,662
16214 Powder £ 4,250,015
16215 Powellos INC £ 7,129,187
16216 Powellos LTD £ 7,285,723
16217 Power £ 84,987,646
16218 Power Corp £ 5,501,961
16219 Power Ent. £ 54,242,016
16220 Power Inc £ 54,725,272
16221 Power Industries £ 49,402
16222 Power Rangers Corp £ 31,950,649
16223 Powerhouse Industries £ 1,664,399
16224 Powers £ 132,965,985
16225 poxtopscorporation £ 247,852
16226 pp poopoo army £ 2,529,727
16227 pqrstuvxyz £ 467,032,620
16228 Pr0ns £ 13,936,235
16229 Practice £ 143,205,361
16230 Prada £ 364,005,777
16231 Prague £ 33,319,771
16232 prairie dogs £ 16,417,974
16233 Praise £ 442,911,003
16234 Prawns £ 11,520,163
16235 Precious Blue Netrobucks £ 190,891,308
16236 Precious Metals £ 144,882,725
16237 Precision £ 859,784,539
16238 Precision Strings £ 238,319
16239 Precocious £ 2,591,291
16240 Precondition Failed £ 182,985,389
16241 Precondition Required £ 57,605,471
16242 Predator £ 273,039,189
16243 Predictive Text £ 2,697,612,397
16244 Premier MH £ 19,747,877
16245 Premier Motors £ 382,229,619
16246 PremierArk21 £ 104,824,622
16247 Premium £ 941,847
16248 Premium Grade Netrobucks £ 187,490,914
16249 Premium Wastage £ 83,305,033
16250 Present £ 53,938,517
16251 PreserVes £ 1,810,770
16252 President £ 98,635,474
16253 President Perk Walk £ 4,211,538
16254 Presonus Sceptre S8s £ 484,193,256
16255 Press £ 5,525,192
16256 Presst £ -723,300
16257 Pressure £ 111,117,510
16258 Prestige Worldwide £ 150,958,543
16259 Prestige Worldwide LLC £ -418,112
16260 Pretty Good £ 4,827,768
16261 Pretzel Dip £ 53,388,459
16262 prevarications £ 16,419,081
16263 Prevention £ 719,993,756
16264 Previous Misdeeds £ 26,947,730
16265 Prey £ 208,171,668
16266 Prey Systems £ 1,746,952
16267 prices industries £ 3,086,023
16268 Pride £ 344,530,304
16269 Pride Rock £ 12,017,582
16270 Pride... £ 59,039,835
16271 Pridemart £ -3,743,911
16272 Priest £ -2,516,213
16273 Primal Fear £ 10,520,311
16274 Primal Mating £ 56,677,613
16275 Primark £ 307,170,387
16276 Primarni £ 15,224,471
16277 Primary engines £ 127,455,654
16278 Primatech Paper Company £ 219,919,222
16279 PrimeManu £ 104,945,032
16280 Primrose Inc £ 51,921,040
16281 Princess £ 9,075,753
16282 Princess Christine £ 955,201
16283 Princess Elizabeth 6201 £ 162,166,213
16284 Princess Royal £ 248,751,611
16285 PrincessP £ 6,513,594
16286 Principle £ 788,225,660
16287 prinny land £ 10,953,521
16288 Priory Di Sion £ 489,568,622
16289 Pripyat £ 59,935,158
16290 Pris0n £ 535,698,438
16291 Privacy £ 2,334,102,942
16292 private property £ 16,418,703
16293 Private Tatoo Artists £ 54,684,277
16294 Privileges £ 1,586,227,254
16295 prixdami £ 205,364,565
16296 Pro-Bolt Ltd £ 5,478,229
16297 Probable Cause £ 176,240,199
16298 Probiotics £ 1,551,916
16299 Problem Child £ 436,878,255
16300 problems £ 150,288,458