Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
16301 Process £ 50,000
16302 Processing £ 142,523,169
16303 Procrastination £ 967,798,938
16304 Procter and Gamble £ 1,158,005,766
16305 Prodigal Enterprises £ 4,944,427
16306 Prodigy £ 311,272,612
16307 Produce £ 352,010
16308 Producer £ 55,384,555
16309 Productions £ 438,084
16310 Professional Courtesy £ 74,323,712
16311 Professionals £ 344,376,486
16312 Professor Robert Langdon £ 53,504,192
16313 Professor X £ 8,703,739
16314 Professor X. £ 53,583,247
16315 Professorship £ 32,163,827
16316 Proficiency £ 251,261,426
16317 Profile £ 691,407,676
16318 Profit £ 5,505,955
16319 Profits in Hull £ 68,491,589
16320 Profits LLC £ 1,700,795
16321 Profligacy £ 643,544
16322 Progress £ 58,937,074
16323 Progress. £ 184,152,083
16324 Progressive Congressive £ 5,697,155
16325 Project Delta £ 68,624,493
16326 Project Eagle £ 55,859,252
16327 Project Empire £ 5,509,361
16328 Project Energy £ 5,739,533
16329 Project Management £ 6,424,086
16330 Project May £ 5,815,888
16331 project mayhem £ 4,507,188
16332 Project Reaper £ 167,890,403
16333 Project Seed £ 5,504,832
16334 Project Spectre £ 5,505,487
16335 Project Treadstone £ 1,262,126,906
16336 proktor industries £ 50,000
16337 Prometheus £ 8,453,746
16338 Promotions £ 50,000
16339 PromzyJs £ 50,000
16340 Proof £ 259,060,213
16341 proof - £ 484,065,454
16342 Propaganda £ 51,554,545
16343 Proper Dead £ 10,511,845
16344 Property Brothers £ 52,150,648
16345 Property Insurance Co £ 40,085,022
16346 Property Takeovers £ 463,330,325
16347 Prophetic Visions £ 5,730,435
16348 Propofol £ 3,218,910,213
16349 Proportion £ 108,424,777
16350 props £ 2,898,008
16351 Props Go The Weasel £ 66,145,455
16352 Prosecution £ 111,850,663
16353 Prosperity £ 36,224,843
16354 Prosperity Pioneers1 £ 3,943,004
16355 Prosperium Inc £ -63,244
16356 Protected Sites £ 195,535,141
16357 Protected Speach £ 803,415,598
16358 Protection £ 465,720
16359 Protection Powered £ 48,829,032
16360 Protection Services £ 41,159,787
16361 Protesting £ 395,544,095
16362 Protocol £ 27,153,272
16363 Proudfoot £ 928,098,488
16364 Proudmart £ 8,500,837
16365 Proverbs £ 94,569,288
16366 providence £ 686,922,770
16367 provoked £ 27,232,983
16368 Provost £ 3,521,960
16369 Proxima Centauri £ 366,052,456
16370 Prussian_Junkers_Corp £ 21,212,710
16371 PR_Holdings £ 2,767,996
16372 Psalm Seven Enterprises £ 298,426
16373 Pseudoscience £ 5,198,804
16374 Pstar £ 62,764,548
16375 PSTH £ 1,173,780
16376 Psych Industries £ 1,119,189
16377 Psych. Industries £ 50,000
16378 Psycho £ -8,519,844
16379 Psycho Coke Snorters £ 1,683,595,259
16380 Psycho Goose £ 327,492,796
16381 Psycho Mantis £ 58,292,901
16382 Psychological Warfare £ 93,789,177
16383 Psychosis £ 69,213,957
16384 Psychoville £ 475,102,168
16385 PSYCON £ 4,054,594
16386 Pterofirma £ 210,911,022
16387 PTO £ 132,971,764
16388 Public Enemy £ -10,559,431
16389 Public Nudity £ 6,877,174
16390 Public School System £ 54,431,082
16391 Public Transit System £ 55,727,647
16392 Pubs N Brothels £ 32,911,445
16393 puck inc £ 1,971,805
16394 Puddles £ 79,427,850
16395 Puddytats £ 48,716,684
16396 Pudhaaaaaa £ 31,456,587
16397 Puemdnarb £ 106,197,158
16398 PuffDragon Enterprises £ 15,295,307
16399 Puffed Wheat £ 77,300,605
16400 Puffpass £ 18,185,053