Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
16401 Rbooboo 3 ltd £ 10,866,781
16402 Rbooboo 4 ltd £ -1,628,181
16403 Rbooboo ltd £ 26,976,693
16404 Rbooboo2 ltd £ 1,562,245
16405 RBS £ 239,797,922
16406 RCF £ 5,106,436
16407 RCMP £ 155,085,178
16408 rd inc £ 2,129,223
16409 RDG £ -3,937,187
16410 RDL £ 4,420,371
16411 re loaded £ 259,260,856
16412 Reach £ 266,717,601
16413 Reach Arounds £ 1,193,204,590
16414 Reach Industries £ 4,812,745
16415 reacher £ 13,943,803
16416 Reaction £ -296,159
16417 reactionz £ 5,176,746
16418 Ready Inc £ 3,490,060
16419 Readysalted £ 29,772,615
16420 Real Ale £ 645,545,599
16421 real good £ 55,665,482
16422 Real Madrid £ 119,551,366
16423 Real Power £ 27,153,177
16424 Reality £ 246,526
16425 Reality1 £ 8,374,186
16426 Really Fo Sho £ 5,504,343
16427 Really High Cliffs £ 53,993,045
16428 Really very Horny £ 170,898,031
16429 Realtor Investment Corp £ 239,048
16430 RealWorld Entertainment £ 50,000
16431 REAM Company £ -1,450,864
16432 Reaper £ 15,109,699
16433 Reapers Regulars £ 5,504,363
16434 Rearden Steel £ 5,501,187
16435 ReardenMetal £ 15,077,732
16436 Reason £ 824,387,358
16437 Reasonable Force £ 66,166,015
16438 Rebel Co. £ 3,510,086
16439 Rebel Headquarters £ 182,304,823
16440 Rebellion £ 98,681,740
16441 rebelrouser £ 5,500,060
16442 Rebelution £ 2,061,599
16443 Receding Hairline £ 49,554,656
16444 recession £ 496,027,153
16445 Reckham and Scarpa Ltd £ -235,269
16446 Reckitt and Colman £ 160,937,510
16447 Reckoning £ 352,975,284
16448 reclaim £ 23,177,448
16449 reclaimer £ 3,847,161
16450 Recognition £ 82,052,643
16451 Recon Industries £ 4,559,430
16452 Reconquista £ 5,732,169
16453 Rector £ 4,785,269
16454 Recursion of Recursion £ 84,732,049
16455 Red £ 54,477,260
16456 Red Aftershock £ 76,799,716
16457 Red Alarm £ 1,055,279,896
16458 red alert £ 2,080,687
16459 red ant £ 498,533
16460 Red Bins £ 425,567,785
16461 Red Bull £ 5,364,965
16462 Red Buses £ 182,598,313
16463 Red Butler £ 147,945,554
16464 Red Butterfly £ 75,028,345
16465 Red Cash Cow £ 50,000
16466 Red Cobra £ 62,108,641
16467 Red Corp £ 50,000
16468 Red Creatine £ 36,813,863
16469 Red Devils £ 124,430,756
16470 Red Dwarf £ 14,005,483
16471 Red Eight Standing By £ 21,524,591
16472 Red Eighteen Standing By £ 14,723,054
16473 Red Eleven Standing By £ 19,966,504
16474 Red Fifteen Standing By £ 16,205,050
16475 Red Five Standing By £ 12,217,179
16476 Red Four Standing By £ 15,144,188
16477 Red Fourteen Standing By £ 14,558,856
16478 Red Hook £ 116,470,823
16479 Red Hot Chili peppers £ 93,174,682
16480 Red Hot n Blue £ 434,500
16481 red inc £ 4,020,307
16482 Red Knight £ -5,407,385
16483 Red Label £ 543,129,124
16484 Red Lions Ltd £ -54,110
16485 Red Mustang £ 77,555,293
16486 Red Neutreno £ 47,426,561
16487 Red Nine Standing By £ 15,355,785
16488 Red Nineteen Standing By £ 10,991,497
16489 Red One Standing By £ 18,303,402
16490 Red Ore Trucks £ 152,950,918
16491 Red Penss £ 36,833,735
16492 Red Rider of War £ 773,731,066
16493 Red Rocks £ 10,952,431
16494 Red Roses £ 102,273,914
16495 Red Rum £ 1,478,056,958
16496 Red Saxon Bitches £ 38,847,308
16497 Red Sea Trading £ 38,158,825
16498 Red Seven Standing By £ 14,561,076
16499 Red Seventeen StandingBy £ 18,987,171
16500 Red Six Standing By £ 14,635,243