Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
16401 Piza £ 35,101,846
16402 Pizarro £ 809,112,069
16403 pizdets £ 181,283,009
16404 Pizza £ 257,227,306
16405 Pizza Man £ 55,026,888
16406 Pizza Place £ 50,000
16407 Pizzagate £ 11,132,100
16408 Pizzas £ 117,449,754
16409 PJ Services £ 5,005,482
16410 PJB Debt Recovery £ 4,314,378
16411 PJB Group £ 9,131,165
16412 Place £ 5,134,038,390
16413 Place in Time £ 418,249,925
16414 placer £ 109,926,645
16415 Plage £ 10,314,313
16416 Plague £ 1,255,238,924
16417 Plan £ 259,393,590
16418 Plan C £ 53,857,654
16419 Plan IT £ 35,059,217
16420 Planet Express £ 334,076,230
16421 Planet Gaia £ 18,178,347
16422 Planet Hollywood £ 90,275,572
16423 Planet Mongo £ 588,474,260
16424 Planet Rock £ 128,952,642
16425 Planet X £ 109,015,713
16426 Planetary Society £ 21,942,237
16427 Plankos Lumber £ 43,340,603
16428 Plankton £ 59,462,917
16429 Planning Inspectorate £ 124,958,865
16430 Plans £ 331,687,484
16431 Plantar Fasciitis £ 22,211,433
16432 Planters £ 490,464
16433 Plants £ 359,991,383
16434 Plasma Inc £ 50,000
16435 Plasmonic Lasers £ 3,511,259
16436 Plastic £ 30,088,504
16437 Plastic Spoons £ 169,843,833
16438 Plate Tectonics £ 29,983,151
16439 Plateau Industries £ 6,845,287
16440 plates £ 44,709,869
16441 PLatinum £ 54,693,246
16442 Platinum Label £ 553,063,139
16443 Platinum Pt78 Netrobucks £ 153,091,110
16444 Platinumgold £ 30,205,173
16445 Platonic Love £ 72,119,393
16446 Platt Man Corp. £ 2,200,712
16447 Platus £ 16,816,978
16448 Platypus £ 1,270,052,279
16449 Play £ 16,670,473
16450 Play Dirty £ 6,989,001
16451 play hard £ 1,424,385
16452 Play Safe £ 184,234
16453 Playa £ 7,802,116
16454 Playboy £ 3,167,365,198
16455 Playboy Magazine £ 1,381,749,647
16456 Player Haters Ball £ 53,488,513
16457 Players £ 204,023,801
16458 players contemplatin £ 60,348,553
16459 Playfully £ 112,355,788
16460 Playing Cards £ 165,623,437
16461 playing footie £ 92,827,898
16462 Playing Mind Games £ 158,196,448
16463 Playing this Game £ 33,468,814
16464 Playstation £ 63,432,693
16465 Playstation2 £ 28,697,661
16466 Playtime £ 1,840,050,566
16467 PlazaMerD21 £ 56,618,487
16468 Pleasant Dreams £ 232,043,979
16469 Pleasantries £ 3,908,882
16470 please £ 55,607,176
16471 Please Shoot Me £ 219,178,653
16472 Please thanks £ 16,418,126
16473 Pleasure £ 58,788,652
16474 Pleasures £ 111,090,127
16475 Pleasuring International £ 4,095,979
16476 Plenty £ 4,678,408,138
16477 Plenty O Ho £ 4,676,438
16478 Plimsy Drinnok Wub £ 39,107,343
16479 plishka concrete £ 9,785,204
16480 PLO Holdings £ 1,237,214
16481 Plongee £ 8,511,780
16482 Plotanium £ 131,743,562
16483 Plucker £ 1,301,911
16484 Plucky One £ 4,784,321
16485 plug £ 4,564,047
16486 plumbers £ 305,857,205
16487 Plumbum and co £ 239,880,039
16488 Plunder Pirates £ 4,857,074
16489 Plus Power £ 7,213,419
16490 Pluto £ 4,579,804,768
16491 plutocrat liberticide co £ 8,749,511
16492 Plym Bay £ 5,268,102
16493 Plym City £ 4,864,279
16494 Plym Estate £ 5,501,746
16495 Plym Field £ 5,064,013
16496 Plym Ford £ 4,719,681
16497 Plym Forest £ 1,887,703
16498 Plym Sea £ 7,230,815
16499 Plym Valley £ 5,365,212
16500 Plym Wood £ 25,092,307