Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
1601 Already Exists £ 390,292,227
1602 Alright £ 41,342,351
1603 ALS £ 16,269,043
1604 Als Cat Meat in a Tin £ 231,107,913
1605 Als Gators £ 10,133,187
1606 AltaVista £ 1,010,164,044
1607 Alter Ego £ 1,217,170,084
1608 alThor £ 6,110,910
1609 Altnaharra £ 342,910,777
1610 Aluminarty £ 2,159,604
1611 Aluminarty Anonymous £ 250,376
1612 Aluminarty Elite £ 689,352
1613 Aluminarty S.A.S £ 1,758,507
1614 Aluminarty X £ 242,095
1615 AluminartyxXx £ 46,011,336
1616 Always £ 112,469,271
1617 Always Online £ 372,444,029
1618 Always Pay Our Debts £ 1,746,448
1619 Alysm £ 105,986,856
1620 Alzheimers £ 342,331,291
1621 AM Enterprises £ 1,387,298
1622 am i doing here £ 167,645,073
1623 Amalgam £ 50,000
1624 Amalgamz £ 50,000
1625 Amancio Ortega Pte Ltd £ 1,559,827
1626 Amanita phalloides £ 94,696,961
1627 Amareus Holdings Ltd £ 1,537,618
1628 Amari International £ 364,644,483
1629 Amazing Grace £ 589,718,455
1630 Amazon £ 41,421,789
1631 Amazonia £ 129,714,495
1632 Amazonian Goddess £ 1,211,733,980
1633 Amazoon £ 56,679
1634 amber £ 1,664,842
1635 Amber Leaf Lately £ 89,297,881
1636 AmberFire £ 4,280,169
1637 Amberstone £ 147,500,706
1638 Ambition £ 15,997,081
1639 AMC £ 10,640,242
1640 AMD £ 2,703,877,261
1641 Amen £ 275,403,037
1642 amen for you ltd £ 10,671,323
1643 amer ang £ 4,282,447
1644 Amerdan £ 150,364,711
1645 America £ 171,578,240
1646 Americaa £ 4,503,285
1647 AmericaFckYeah £ 30,950,689
1648 American Express £ 337,474,719
1649 American Gangster £ 10,018,570
1650 American Law Enforcement £ 1,644,456
1651 American Pickers £ 1,098,130,020
1652 American Psycho £ 91,781,350
1653 Ames Industries £ 241,503
1654 Amethyst £ 8,578,937
1655 Amicool £ 58,241,615
1656 Amigara Fault £ 70,250,928
1657 Amigos £ 53,455,862
1658 AmigoWithAnEGO £ 5,137,605
1659 Amish Mafia £ 454,301,953
1660 Amityville £ -759,194
1661 Ammo £ 170,547,306
1662 Ammo Country £ 5,161,505
1663 Amnesia £ 305,443,224
1664 Amno Amro Bro £ 6,054,523
1665 Amok £ 7,584,625
1666 Among Us £ 5,500,204
1667 Amory Velen Limited £ 1,082,396
1668 Amount £ 52,573,721
1669 AMP £ 5,286,232
1670 Amphetamine £ 736,743,148
1671 Amplex £ 4,685,946
1672 Amplify £ 282,570
1673 Amr £ 355,037,374
1674 AMS Systems £ 1,283,113,576
1675 Amsterdam £ 846,510,443
1676 Amstrad £ 6,821,726
1677 Amtech £ 15,295,843
1678 AmtechII £ 50,000
1679 Amtrak Blues £ 54,076,246
1680 Amundsen of Voyage £ 5,503,090
1681 amx390 £ 1,422,624,031
1682 An Aberdeen settler £ 297,866
1683 An Action £ 450,093,079
1684 An Advantage £ 54,684,957
1685 An Agreement £ 23,017,111
1686 an agressor £ 447,343,114
1687 an Aha Moment £ 20,347,745
1688 An Alarm £ 20,407,118
1689 An Alcoholic £ 19,056,562
1690 An Alien Spaceship £ 47,008,649
1691 An Aligator £ 107,761,312
1692 An Altered Tomato £ 92,776,984
1693 an AMeRiCaN BaDaSS £ 24,113,089
1694 An amoral person £ 53,600,000
1695 An Angel £ 13,712,312
1696 An Angel. £ 160,419,258
1697 An Angels Choir £ 1,191,791,431
1698 An Angle Grinder £ 61,365,399
1699 An Angry Bull £ 136,539,932
1700 An Angry Women £ 4,126,993