Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
1901 AOC Ltd £ 29,255,180
1902 AODComp £ 13,921,445
1903 Aokigahara £ 199,466,506
1904 AOL £ 1,292,183,158
1905 Apache £ 3,145
1906 Apalachi £ 400
1907 Apathy £ 10,262,941
1908 APDMC £ 25,832,003
1909 Ape Axe £ 4,202,307
1910 Ape N Co £ 305,178,196
1911 Ape Strong £ 16,455,745
1912 Aperture Inc. £ 10,086,526
1913 APEX £ 54,024,603
1914 Apex Legends £ 327,407,976
1915 Apex Predator £ 697,667,393
1916 Apex Warfare Systems £ 29,144,147
1917 Aphelion Dynamics £ 854,355
1918 Aphrodite £ 99,057,040
1919 Apocalypse £ 44,453,695
1920 apollo £ 50,000
1921 ApooH £ 18,175
1922 apopathodiaphulatophobie £ 211,409,565
1923 aporia £ 50,000
1924 Appalachia £ 11,316,153,117
1925 Appeal £ 964,637,737
1926 Appearance £ 557,426,551
1927 Appendicitis £ 5,237,775
1928 applause £ 141,922,885
1929 Apple £ 89,936,885
1930 Apple Inc £ 312,518,121
1931 Apple Incorporated £ 2,278,204
1932 Apple Picker £ 131,354,670
1933 Appleblim £ 5,505,755
1934 Apples £ 76,848,756
1935 Apples Eye £ 34,111,451
1936 Applesoft £ 240,058
1937 Application £ 415,062,416
1938 Applied necromancy £ 5,021,346
1939 Appreciation £ 693,474,250
1940 Apprentice £ -593,546
1941 Approval £ 170,912,878
1942 Aqualung £ 24,046,782
1943 aquarian £ 4,070,487
1944 Aquarius £ 6,646,059
1945 Aqueous Humor £ 4,585,201
1946 Aquilus Corp £ 5,277,613
1947 Aquinas £ 63,835,436
1948 Arabia £ 44,953,077
1949 arachnophobia £ 26,874,215
1950 Aragon £ 37,113,282
1951 Arathorn £ 1,312,721
1952 Arawn Ent £ 93,040,323
1953 Arbroath Ltd £ 4,649,836
1954 Arc £ 696,199,661
1955 arcades £ 266,836,580
1956 Arcadian £ -27,749,317
1957 Arcelor Mittal £ 5,505,445
1958 Arch Enemy £ 1,163,301,095
1959 Archaeology £ 365,551,200
1960 Archaeoloogy £ 195,901,535
1961 Archangel £ 468,958,844
1962 Archangelos £ 28,357,207
1963 Archean Eon Art £ 42,845,432
1964 Archerhopper £ 38,424,150
1965 Archers £ 349,062,295
1966 ArcherSaga £ 4,222,245
1967 ArchFiendAndSon £ 6,452,504
1968 Archie archington £ 50,000
1969 Archimedes £ 113,155,941
1970 Architecture £ 452,588,369
1971 ArchJet Inc £ 100,616,745
1972 Archspace £ 311,662,531
1973 Archy Anarchy llc £ 2,011,784
1974 Arctic Enema £ 99,319,257
1975 ArcticMammal Inc £ 5,319,651
1976 Ard Mhacha £ 791,824,348
1977 are here £ 10,956,554
1978 Are HUGE £ 5,502,620
1979 Are Tiny £ 5,506,461
1980 Area 51 £ 303,029,820
1981 area51 investigations £ 55,414,240
1982 Ares £ 1,310,295,404
1983 Aretek Construction £ 4,874,329
1984 Aretek Holdings £ 260,665
1985 Aretek Industries £ 9,246,397
1986 Arf £ 217,051,455
1987 ArfurFuxake Industries £ 4,414,669
1988 ArfurFuxake Ltd £ 4,632,551
1989 Argent Moon £ 255,397,812
1990 Argentina £ 6,496,980
1991 Argonauts £ 490,777,641
1992 Argos £ 84,684,965
1993 Aria £ 2,120,322
1994 Aria Resort and Casino £ 267,071,026
1995 Ariosto Ltd £ 8,863,596
1996 Aristocracy £ 25,265,372
1997 Aristoteles £ 102,002,089
1998 Arizona £ 48,484,393
1999 Arjuna £ 505,859,812
2000 ARK £ 107,248,486