Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
20201 The Cards £ 53,563,091
20202 the Caribbean £ 71,876,277
20203 The Carleone Family £ 30,808,594
20204 The Carolina West £ 50,000
20205 The Carribean £ 1,964,712,083
20206 The Casino £ 39,436,392
20207 The Castle £ 284,717,127
20208 The Castle Of Mey £ 869,464,920
20209 The Castles £ 1,259,578,394
20210 The Cat £ 3,252,151
20211 The Cat in the Hat £ 122,740,181
20212 The Cat. £ 292,206,456
20213 the Category Pirates £ 19,966,694
20214 The Catholic Church £ 131,076,739
20215 The Cats PJs £ 219,293,375
20216 The Cavalry £ 62,930,637
20217 The Cave Bear £ 1,047,577,145
20218 The Celestial Prince £ 51,933,526
20219 The Celtic Cross £ 57,802,981
20220 The Cenotaph £ 178,621,850
20221 The Century £ 181,965,574
20222 The Cereal Killers £ 1,148,662,558
20223 The Cetra £ 18,931,523
20224 The Chain £ 412,257,327
20225 The Chairmaker £ 4,940,176
20226 The Chairman £ 65,786,416
20227 The Challenge £ 543,797,311
20228 The Characters £ 98,469,447
20229 the charity of others £ 404,844,544
20230 The Chase £ 32,736,639
20231 The Cheatolini Perp Suit £ 947,777
20232 The Chedder Syndicate £ 57,774,511
20233 The Cherokee Nation £ 354,332,304
20234 The Cherry £ -26,531
20235 The Chicago Mafia £ 57,165,743
20236 the chilly fiddlers £ 4,415,383
20237 The Chippy £ 2,906,922,694
20238 The Chocolate Factory £ 17,378
20239 The Chops £ 16,410,462
20240 The Chosen £ 52,957,404
20241 The Chosen One £ 50,000
20242 The Chucks £ 5,109,876
20243 The Circus £ 303,917,078
20244 the city £ 1,641,703,075
20245 The City Estate £ 93,050,538
20246 The City Watch £ 775,517,344
20247 The Clan £ 488,211,851
20248 The Clansman £ 947,895,259
20249 the clap £ 160,181,404
20250 The Class £ 705,410,802
20251 the classical scholars £ 17,213,854
20252 The Cleaner £ 238,019,357
20253 the climate £ 49,441,830
20254 The Clock3 £ 80,619,994
20255 The Clon £ 4,207,060
20256 The Clones £ 10,513,193
20257 The Cloth £ 2,987,419,931
20258 The Clow £ 36,157,594
20259 The Clown £ 5,509,325
20260 The club £ 50,000
20261 The Coast of Norway £ 162,264,979
20262 The Cog £ 62,026,556
20263 The Cog Army £ 54,920,406
20264 the cognoscenti £ 985,339,619
20265 The Cogs £ 55,001,043
20266 The collapse of WTC 7 £ 525,977
20267 The Collective £ 38,776,143
20268 The Colossus £ 5,507,528
20269 The Colossus of Rhodes £ 2,556,530,288
20270 the come back £ 481,128,341
20271 The Commission £ -270,335
20272 the Common Era £ 56,907,693
20273 The Community £ 66,246,711
20274 the Companions £ 250,687,118
20275 The Company £ 157,298,041
20276 THE COMPANY OF DEATH £ 5,500,016
20277 The Competition £ 22,657,550
20278 the condemned £ 83,670,678
20279 the Condor £ 153,205,486
20280 The Condor. £ 171,895,525
20281 The conglomerate £ 10,961,899
20282 The Congo £ 186,058,262
20283 The Conservative Party £ 6,608,352
20284 the Contract £ 53,730,031
20285 The contrasictions £ 93,031,766
20286 the convenience £ 65,193,923
20287 The Cooker £ 786,360,005
20288 The Cookie Monster £ 10,471,953
20289 The Coon £ 50,000
20290 The Corn £ 11,090,445
20291 The Corporation £ 5,900,452
20292 The Corrs £ 776,527
20293 The County £ 849,653,057
20294 The Coup d-etat £ 289,481,661
20295 The Court £ 125,380,447
20296 The Court Jester £ 7,412,850,973
20297 The Courts £ 318,331,287
20298 The Covenant £ 5,426,705
20299 The Cown £ 2,606,173
20300 The Cows Head £ 22,330,087