Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
20301 Super Mario Bros £ 2,253,669,304
20302 Super Natural £ 10,419,740
20303 super netro £ 5,060,374
20304 Super Regional £ 15,470,142
20305 Super Rodent £ 59,714,158
20306 super saiyan 4 £ 129,753,479
20307 super saiyans £ 51,565,914
20308 super strain greenhouse £ 50,690
20309 Superbittytitty £ 4,900,066
20310 superbomber £ 98,691,695
20311 SuperCell £ 5,500,981
20312 supercrazy123 £ 68,586,066
20313 Superdry £ 14,056,529
20314 Superfortress £ 180,576,991
20315 Superglue £ 49,281,213
20316 Superhands £ 69,140,559
20317 SuperHero £ 1,613,515,689
20318 Superior £ 151,677,229
20319 Superior Investments £ 1,732,748
20320 Superiority £ 114,613,650
20321 superlysuper £ 12,490,224
20322 Superman £ 1,059,388,119
20323 SuperMario £ 1,404,194,038
20324 Supermax £ 127,101,017
20325 Supermen £ 7,500,493
20326 supermicro £ 5,078,194
20327 Supernatural £ 9,325,777
20328 Superporfundo £ 13,177,246
20329 SUPERSAIYAN £ 1,462,848
20330 SuperStar £ 1,451,164,848
20331 Superstar Soccer Deluxe £ 224,620,935
20332 SuperStylin £ 1,694,831,769
20333 SuperTed £ 1,692,370,971
20334 Supine Services £ 5,345,350
20335 SUPP £ 59,481,330
20336 Suppe £ 611,567,115
20337 Supply £ 3,175,833
20338 Supply Lines £ 100,059,144
20339 Supply Side Anarchists £ 16,393,162
20340 Supply Side Anarchists 2 £ 15,247,003
20341 Supply Side Buddha £ 55,574,041
20342 Supply Side Communists £ 11,683,909
20343 Supply Side Gandhi £ 31,890,181
20344 Supply Side Reagan £ 11,824,704
20345 Supply Side Romney £ 10,366,684
20346 SupplySideGirrafesInc £ 24,108,371
20347 Supportersbus £ 5,504,153
20348 Supportive Therapy £ 5,507,662
20349 Supreme Enterprises £ 4,578,858
20350 Supreme Justice £ 130,813,251
20351 Supreme Soviet £ 210,323,886
20352 supreme tech £ 50,000
20353 Surelock Homes £ 53,063,973
20354 Surf £ 50,819,840
20355 Surface Inc £ 78,585,538
20356 Surfboards Inc £ 5,507,875
20357 Surfs Up £ 57,071,624
20358 Suropean Bible £ 18,438,077
20359 Surprise £ 3,603,530
20360 Surprise R Us £ 82,828,695
20361 surprises £ 183,640,907
20362 Surpsesri £ 228,127,809
20363 Surrendering to the Flow £ 3,399,446
20364 Surrey £ 342,271,888
20365 Surrounding £ 4,135,300
20366 SurveilIance £ 316,169,813
20367 Surveillance £ 411,764,384
20368 SurveillanceCameras £ 9,166,276
20369 Survival £ 44,936,691
20370 Susan Delgado £ 51,712,187
20371 Susannah Dean £ 69,663,684
20372 suspect £ 769,422,610
20373 suspician £ 3,319,458
20374 Sustain £ 1,003,835,727
20375 Suvsi £ 4,159,340
20376 suzy £ 76,250,426
20377 Sven Industries £ 11,197,252
20378 Svenska Handelsbanken £ 1,076,547,255
20379 Svinoferma £ 52,300,221
20380 Svinoferma2 £ 49,182,326
20381 swag £ 165,677,511
20382 Swag de Poule £ 966,284,317
20383 Swagg Mag Domino £ 1,142,699
20384 Swagtastic £ 1,675,328
20385 Swagtings £ 150,877
20386 Swallowed Star £ 86,616,729
20387 Swamy Holdings £ 377,690
20388 Swan and Sugar Loaf £ 101,358,958
20389 Swan Vesta £ 339,630,447
20390 Swan Vesta 2 £ 461,324,553
20391 Swan Vesta 3 £ 365,291,288
20392 Swan Vesta 4 £ 667,826,894
20393 Swan Vesta 5 £ 114,458,113
20394 Swanley £ 80,952,163
20395 Swanley Manor £ 104,728,505
20396 swansea jacks £ 42,039,155
20397 Swat £ 3,874,607,863
20398 Swat Ltd £ 10,958,126
20399 Swaty £ 23,529,122
20400 Swearing Granny Strikes £ 147,613,691