Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
20501 The Evil Within £ 200,561,437
20502 the Exchequer £ 992,854,582
20503 The Executioner £ 38,247,831
20504 the Exile £ 236,471,831
20505 The Exiled £ 97,231,796
20506 The Expedition £ 625,683,950
20507 the Expertocracy £ 16,425,622
20508 The Exploris £ 111,993,033
20509 the eyes £ 42,467,256
20510 the fa £ 26,066,857
20511 The FA Cup £ 55,904,477
20512 The Face Of The Earth £ 24,100,574
20513 The Facking Century £ 1,041,767,485
20514 the fair £ 52,193,243
20515 The Faith £ 2,414,627,378
20516 The Faithful Departed £ 572,702,457
20517 The Fake Diamond Company £ 70,512,639
20518 The Falkland Islands £ 153,843,367
20519 The Fall £ 338,483,577
20520 The Fallen £ 757,848,125
20521 The Fallen Angels £ 3,795,215
20522 the Fallen Gods £ 12,210,419
20523 The Falling Snow £ 9,029,290
20524 The Family £ 58,933,596
20525 The Family Ness £ 50,000
20526 The Fanny Farmer £ 8,829,708
20527 The Fat Grilling Machine £ 1,358,840
20528 The Fat Man £ 71,041,919
20529 The Fat Wizard £ 5,505,959
20530 The FEC £ 477,389,004
20531 The Federal Agency £ 233,318,677
20532 The Federal Reserve £ 682,986,290
20533 The Feeder £ 14,209,040
20534 The Feeder 2 £ 12,991,459
20535 The Feeder 3 £ 14,126,451
20536 The Feeder 4 £ 9,699,567
20537 The Feeder 5 £ 10,007,716
20538 The Feeder 6 £ 13,069,609
20539 The Fence £ 5,365,236
20540 The Few £ 103,763,392
20541 The FFA £ 9,778,512
20542 the FIesh £ 222,353,981
20543 The Fifth Amendment £ 10,959,754
20544 The Fifth Crusade £ 54,831,223
20545 The Fifth Element £ 1,891,415,064
20546 the fighter £ 1,008,863,628
20547 The Final Five £ 341,263,375
20548 The Finer Things £ 148,634,552
20549 The Fire £ 5,507,706
20550 The Fire Brigade £ 708,420,939
20551 The Fire Department £ 10,017,217
20552 The Firearms Unit £ 190,378,580
20553 The Firebug £ 188,922,187
20554 The First Crusade £ 52,238,086
20555 The Fish And Chip Van £ 122,763,946
20556 The Fishcotheque £ 50,773,165
20557 The Fittest £ 71,034,810
20558 The Five Fields £ 655,417,296
20559 The Flag £ 37,948,682
20560 The Fleet £ 2,783,620
20561 The Flies £ 10,639,497
20562 The Flintstones £ 45,527,082
20563 The Flower Shop £ 8,408,591
20564 the Flowers £ 12,003,689
20565 The Flowers Corporation £ 156,891,059
20566 The Flu £ 54,821,964
20567 the Flying Avocado £ 77,758,404
20568 The Flying Column £ 168,535,613
20569 The flying dutchgirl £ 112,866,182
20570 The Flying Dutchman £ 3,788,329,690
20571 The Flying Fortress £ 875,311,327
20572 The Food Chain £ 49,931,802
20573 The Foodchain £ 150,551,320
20574 The Fool £ 40,942,481
20575 the Foolish £ 86,474,952
20576 the Fools £ 53,019,249
20577 The Foos £ 5,508,251
20578 The Foot Soldier £ 29,620,510
20579 The Foot Soliders £ 15,408,513
20580 The Footsoldier £ 23,541,324
20581 The Forbidden Cave £ 41,910,575
20582 the forbidden tree £ 61,096,426
20583 The force £ 937,669,798
20584 the forest £ 207,621,463
20585 The Fortress £ 106,669,848
20586 The Forty Thieves £ 62,166,800
20587 The Founding Fathers £ 611,504,726
20588 The Fourth Crusade £ 56,393,119
20589 The Fourth Reich £ 6,135,090
20590 the Fourth Turning £ 192,234,545
20591 The Frame £ 945,581
20592 The Free £ 463,412
20593 The Free Lobotomy £ 148,749,790
20594 The Free World £ 72,664,688
20595 The freeworld £ 574,250,240
20596 the Freljord £ 43,231,098
20597 The Friery £ 89,163,089
20598 the fright £ 5,498,744
20599 The Fringe £ 2,512,365,606
20600 the frogs legacy £ 44,498,236