Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
2201 Asim Lending Ltd £ 5,311,496
2202 Asim Lending PLC £ 38,533,462
2203 Asim Markets £ 28,315,629
2204 Asimov £ 1,638,943
2205 asin and co £ 42,886,601
2206 asjkdfvyklasryw £ 4,093,035
2207 ASKIA £ 3,799,868
2208 Asking For A Friend £ 49,989,105
2209 Askmeaboutmyweiners £ -20,184
2210 Asleep at the wheel £ 52,571,401
2211 Asmodeus £ 10,971,935
2212 AsPlanned £ 5,462,132
2213 AsPlanneded £ 1,912,742
2214 Ass £ 64,492,607
2215 ass bandits £ 1,378,733
2216 Ass Pennies £ 87,561,491
2217 Assassin £ 239,625,367
2218 Assassin Brotherhood £ 3,495,788
2219 Assassin Brotherhood 2 £ -6,130,699
2220 Assassin Brotherhood 3 £ 3,363
2221 Assassin Brotherhood 4 £ 5,328
2222 Assassin Brotherhood 5 £ 50,000
2223 Assassin Enterprises £ 6,100,583
2224 Assassins £ 63,900,556
2225 AssassinsInc £ 24,726,836
2226 Assembly £ 459,429,754
2227 Asset management £ 420,508,057
2228 Asset Protection £ 131,711,257
2229 Assets £ 212,769,941
2230 Assid £ 7,376,923
2231 Assistance £ 445,307,341
2232 Association £ 241,869,454
2233 Assortia £ 50,000
2234 asss £ 592,827
2235 Asswhoopings £ 879,052,388
2236 Astatine £ 650,030,200
2237 Asteroid £ 2,154,118,162
2238 Aston Ponds £ 210,983,614
2239 Astrad £ 5,503,267
2240 Astral £ 42,800,062
2241 astro £ 105,910,147
2242 Astrolabe £ 374,659,357
2243 Astronomy andAstrophysis £ 318,667,703
2244 ASURA £ 60,528,598
2245 ASX £ 27,950,819
2246 Asylum £ 80,346,284
2247 Asylum of Glass £ 5,492,909
2248 Asylumn Inc £ 146,137,260
2249 At Home £ 4,590,393
2250 at of loss £ 59,854,223
2251 At Ze Heart of Ze Image £ 703,050
2252 AT0M1C Industries £ 53,121,394
2253 Atari 2600 £ 5,501,112
2254 ATAT Construction co £ 42,426,453
2255 Ataxia £ 885,305,227
2256 Athena £ 131,182,230
2257 ATHENA I £ 439,511,348
2258 ATHENA II £ 185,747,725
2259 ATHENA III £ 364,069,449
2260 ATHENA IV £ 362,960,988
2261 ATHENA IX £ 482,657,424
2262 ATHENA V £ 439,576,128
2263 ATHENA VI £ 487,815,910
2264 ATHENA VII £ 450,053,057
2265 ATHENA VIII £ 327,394,899
2266 ATHENA X £ 387,865,242
2267 ATHENA. £ 211,681,454
2268 Athenia £ 336,688,723
2269 Athenry £ 52,257,733
2270 athome £ 709,971
2271 AtIantis £ 941,311,910
2272 Atilla The Hun £ 30,584,105
2273 Atlanta £ 46,346,177
2274 Atlantic City £ 1,345,736,792
2275 Atlantis £ 9,752,878
2276 Atlantis. £ 207,580,168
2277 Atlas £ 8,716,601,635
2278 Atlas9 £ 1,544,700
2279 ATM Acrylics £ 58,511,783
2280 Atoila Bon Enterprises £ 3,199,399
2281 Atoila Bowl Enterprises £ 5,809,003
2282 Atoila Bowlus Inc £ 5,444,771
2283 Atom Logic £ 1,767,166,253
2284 Atomic £ 1,124,010,071
2285 Atomic Bomb £ 42,226,180
2286 Atomic Fusion £ 26,247,918
2287 Atomic Holdings £ 4,902,992
2288 Atomic Pyrotechnics £ 6,037,767
2289 Atomkraftwerk £ 50,000
2290 AtomLogic £ 2,656,227,435
2291 Atoms £ 57,365,873
2292 Atout £ 316,988,825
2293 ATowers £ 45,061,614
2294 Atreides £ 54,478,865
2295 Atrigoe £ 231,516,971
2296 Atrocity £ 109,284,701
2297 Atroski Corp £ 6,550,564
2298 Attack £ 6,452,772
2299 Attention £ 1,067,857,791
2300 Attention To Yourself £ 241,235