Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
301 6thcamp £ 266,660,232
302 6thKyu £ 275,261,545
303 7 Company £ 64,393,732
304 7 Props in John O Groats £ -200,885
305 7 Props in John OGroats £ 21,372
306 7 two 11 £ 65,272,394
307 7-Eleven £ 71,741,518
308 70 mph £ 199,961,211
309 709 £ 8,099,494
310 755 £ 44,483,993
311 75th Ranger Regiment £ 1,207,562
312 76erscantplay £ 41,669,202
313 777.777.7777 £ 639,490
314 778 £ 266,918,624
315 7th Wulfen £ 10,960,603
316 7thcamp £ 308,345,557
317 7thKyu £ 463,025,201
318 8 Company £ 119,724,816
319 8 Limbs of the Kraken £ 91,150,478
320 8 Props in Skegness £ -25,110,243
321 80000 IRS Agents £ 446,835,486
322 8008135 £ 355,879,512
323 808seas £ 51,116,190
324 85 Holdings £ 254,559
325 868-HACK £ 112,701,943
326 88 Thumbs £ 10,812,092
327 8am starters £ 35,638,686
328 8camp £ 204,427,341
329 8IN4RY CH405 £ 2,275,156
330 8th caliber £ 4,585,197
331 8thKyu £ 315,062,132
332 £ 88,282,654
333 9 camps £ 312,794,936
334 9 Props in Mullingar £ 1,372,110
335 90210 £ 5,775,505
336 90SU £ 66,040,093
337 90SU 2 £ 93,770,598
338 90SU 3 £ 24,682,294
339 919coffee £ 5,505,907
340 944 ftw £ 20,034,635
341 987 £ 67,594,669
342 987654321 £ 494,080,547
343 999 Emergency £ 765,830,532
344 99p shop £ 10,719,107
345 9Divine £ 947,474
346 9th avenue £ 3,909,479
347 9th caliber £ -47,888,464
348 9thKyu £ 476,736,147
349 a 1000 miles £ 21,863,855
350 A 250kg Man Sitting Down £ 142,275,294
351 a 40 year old virgin £ 83,282,957
352 A Angry Man £ 37,521,519
353 A B-29 Superfortress £ 488,510,039
354 A B1-B £ 37,229,594
355 A B2-A £ 383,108,674
356 A B52-H £ 59,764,092
357 a baby £ 414,392,140
358 A Backbone £ 20,663,069
359 A Bacon Butty £ 128,712,654
360 A Bacon Soda £ 71,381,480
361 A Bad Back £ 61,378,827
362 a bad break £ 2,099,805,898
363 a bad bunch £ 83,858,396
364 A Bad Hand £ 288,571,086
365 A Bad Review £ 690,301,246
366 A Bad Situation £ 190,256,403
367 a badger £ 127,128,632
368 A Bag of Rubbish £ 7,900,790
369 a bakers dozen £ 626,484,789
370 a balrog £ 812,128,245
371 A Banshee £ 142,362,992
372 A Bare Knuckle Fighter £ 1,546,764,669
373 a barn owl £ 7,274,746
374 A barren World £ 236,293,894
375 A Barrett £ 2,725,838,300
376 A Bat £ 57,388,931
377 A Battery £ 72,859,989
378 A Beach £ 139,415,505
379 A Bear £ 153,542,443
380 A beatiful mind £ 147,533,844
381 a beating £ 4,224,762
382 a beautiful friendship £ 10,859,708
383 a beech £ 84,575,206
384 A Better Company Name £ 789,454,080
385 A Better Computer £ 15,900,149
386 A Better Future £ 190,595,666
387 A Better Tomorrow £ 184,328,240
388 A Better Word £ 171,722,223
389 a bich £ 4,484,953
390 A Big Deal £ 2,465,985
391 A Big Firm £ 2,335,770,677
392 A Big Girl £ 177,859,858
393 A Big Man £ 280,252,772
394 A Big Mess £ 82,120,338
395 A Big Truck £ 202,960,586
396 A Bird £ 56,546,980
397 a Bitch £ 124,831,179
398 A bitch. £ 19,787,036
399 A Bitter Little Pill £ 988,184,863
400 A Black And Tan Gun £ 114,826,380