Company list

The following list shows all the companies that are in the game.

Companies List
Pos. Company Name Awards Total Worth
601 a few £ 57,151,626
602 A Fiat Empire £ 497,807,003
603 a filibuster £ 55,554,421
604 A Final Act £ 640,894,452
605 A Fire £ 138,673,347
606 A Flaming City £ 36,086,532
607 A Flashy New Watch £ 41,874,735
608 A Fluttering Heart £ 239,049,796
609 A Food Baby £ 232,477,349
610 a Food Fight £ 917,668,496
611 A Foolish Man £ 1,130,511,994
612 A Forced Hero £ 677,625,391
613 A Ford Dexta £ 1,023,901,127
614 A Ford F150 VelociRaptor £ 45,135,088
615 A Forked Tongue £ 1,264,420,260
616 A Fortune £ 4,211,277
617 A Frame £ 224,956,753
618 A French Batton £ 179,654,411
619 A Full Blown Riot £ 330,265,203
620 A Full English £ 539,109,569
621 A Fundamental Flaw £ 544,137
622 a G £ 118,252,833
623 A Gambler £ 75,288,789
624 A Game £ 219,990,658
625 a Gamer £ 253,674,908
626 A Gas Bag £ 157,199,404
627 A Genius £ 133,029,170
628 A Genius. £ 328,995,867
629 A Gentleman £ 71,515,573
630 A Geriatric Bomber £ 1,786,504,859
631 A Gibbet £ 4,960,984
632 A Gimp £ 92,112,358
633 A Gin And Tonic £ 11,941,463
634 A Glasgow Kiss £ 33,270,831
635 a Global Emergency £ 599,828,389
636 A Gold Digger £ 483,339,797
637 A Golden Flower £ 1,190,338,092
638 A Good Book £ 37,424,381
639 A Good Cup Of Tea £ 117,227,557
640 A Good Hiding £ 62,542,778
641 A Good Horror Movie £ 82,396,410
642 A Good Man £ 4,689,150,817
643 A Good Name £ 2,364,189,331
644 A Good Orgasm £ 156,232,271
645 a good spanking £ 43,466,866
646 a good story £ 202,361,645
647 A Good Thing £ 14,278,426
648 A Good Time £ 249,218,276
649 a good wine £ 2,405,235,708
650 a good woman £ 12,857,663
651 A Government Shutdown £ 57,544,705
652 A Gravy Boat £ 106,656,857
653 A Great Man £ 12,215,022,539
654 A Greater Maleficence £ 76,677,331
655 A Greater Tomorrow £ 2,200,391
656 A GreatValue £ 283,675,479
657 A Greek Tragedy £ 1,051,710,049
658 A Guerrilla Force £ 161,993,607
659 a Guildford Settler £ -41,731,512
660 A gun £ 288,055,033
661 A Gunshot £ 15,113,811
662 a gynecologist £ 23,936,912
663 A Halifax Settler £ -6,542,793
664 a hall monitor £ 19,998,508
665 A Hangmans Knot £ 984,816,051
666 A Hangover £ 10,884,991
667 A Happy Ending £ 45,082,034
668 a Happy Slapper £ 5,503,570
669 A harsh Mistress £ 1,278,682,665
670 a Head Feint £ 17,154,496
671 A Headless Chicken £ 220,824,411
672 A Heavyweight Champion £ 594,802,912
673 A Heedeeyus Ciompany £ 4,629,601
674 a helicopter £ 88,667,331
675 A Hell Blazer £ 180,392,705
676 A Helping Hand £ 155,615,890
677 a Herniated Disc £ 20,946,277
678 A Hitman £ 5,051,703
679 A Hole In 1 £ 46,726,909
680 A Holiday £ 278,924,079
681 a homeless £ 1,161,433,284
682 A Homeless Vagabond £ 375,758,657
683 a HoneyBadger £ 23,377,409
684 A Hookers Gusset £ 81,661,534
685 A Horse On Ice Skates £ 63,528,872
686 A Horse with No Name £ 1,077,354,474
687 A Horseshoe £ 127,540,345
688 a hostile society £ 408,177,040
689 A House Full of Kids £ 19,539,940
690 A Hull Settler £ -45,663,249
691 A Hungry Muffin Inc. £ 5,639,563
692 A Hunted Goose £ 262,421,801
693 a hurricane £ 42,777,470
694 A Hustler £ 310,439,551
695 A I £ 46,226,453
696 A Jackal £ 37,479,525
697 A Jealous Lover £ 3,414,424,644
698 A Jellybean £ 15,694,642
699 A Jellyfish Hurts £ 15,687,478
700 A Jigsaw £ 2,303,593,086